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Yanan & Luochuan Scenic spot


  The tomb of Huangdi
The Chinese nation has a glorious and glorious history and has a 5000 year history of civilization. This 5000 year history of civilization is mainly from the founding of the Yellow Emperor (the founding of the Republic). Sun Zhongshan's tomb is also offering words "the founding 5000 years, China since ancient times to create the car guide Xuanyuan pass, Chi You, Pingding chaos, the world civilization, only my first". The Huang Di mausoleum tomb - the best in all the land in the city of Yanan, Huangling County, Huang Di, surname Gongsun, named Regulus, was born in the matriarchal society. Mother's name of treasure, according to historical upload: "in the 2th day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar, in JuShui River (now Huangling County JuShui River Juzhang) source off the birth of Yellow Emperor Dragon gorge, since there is a February 2-emergence" auspicious said. Sima Qian wrote to the emperor in the "historical records": "born gods, weak and able to speak, young and give long Qi, he is quick and clever". Visible, Huang Di from birth to growth is not a general character. He was 15 years old when the people support group Xuanyuan tribe, 37 year old boarded the emperor, the emperor his great contribution after the fifty-three war, defeated Yu Gang, Yan Zhu Yu the surrender, surrender indiscriminately, killing the Yan Emperor, Karachi, the end of the war, the unity of the three tribes, farewell barbarism, to build the world's first co host country, was elected to the Chinese nation first emperor. The human civilization has begun. So others call Huangdi is "human Chuzu" and "the father of civilization". To this end, Yanan is also known as the birthplace of the Chinese nation. Huang Di is the ancestor of the Chinese nation, he was born in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi, Huang Di and the main activities in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi, buried at top of Huangling bridge hill after the death of Huang Di. Since five years in Tang Dali temple sidian, there has been a national festival of dynasties held places. After the establishment of new Chinese, the annual Qingming, Double Ninth Festival in this worship ceremony, especially Tomb-sweeping Day memorial is a Chinese traditional ritual ceremony. Huangdi mausoleum is the holy land of the Chinese nation, and overseas Chinese regard it as "Oriental Mecca"". In 1962, the State Council announced that it was the first batch of key cultural relics protection units in the country. It was organized as "tomb burial No. 1", which is known as "the highest mountain in the world"". The Yellow Emperor Mausoleum is the charming scenery, the foothills are built in the Han Dynasty the Xuanyuan temple, the temple on the eastern side of ancient imperial imperial collection Beilang Oration monument 57, is the new Hongkong, Macao return to the monument". Ling, temple located bridge hill existing Millennium Cooper 816000 lines, is China's largest Cooper group. It is said that the Yellow Emperor Temple has planted cypress, 20 meters high, 11 meters diameter, tall and vigorous, a short time, is China's most ancient, one of the largest cypress. The tomb of Dragon Yu Pavilion is located in the tomb after the pedestal, 18 meters high, a symbol of the Yellow Emperor "Yu dragon heaven", is the best place to watch the tourists climb mountains, bridge mountain panorama and around the ancient city and mountains of the situation. Sincere Pavilion along the central axis northbound, to the sincere pavilion. The pavilion five rooms, into a deep, an area of about 85 square meters. From the top of the hill, a grey cloth tile and tile tightly buckle, the former Yan Shi hook head drop, four wall, the amount of column for a decorative painting, xuanzi. Between the north and south sides Logefil stone Ming Ruyi steps, between, between the lateral reinforcing fence enclosure. The book has two column Pavilion couplet: "world view biometeorological, read ancient by the world"; "honesty pilgrimage human ancestors, sacrifice their love heart of china". Tingqian southeast side of a brick wall, the Book Introduction: "the emperor, modern man of letters, government officials, celebrities, overseas Chinese and foreigners of Chinese compatriots, Yebai emperor, first in the sincere ting the whole clothes, preparing gifts, calm mood, eliminate distractions, and then slowly into the temple worship". Han Sendai entered the cemetery at the end of Shinto. The cemetery around, along the mountain, there are undulating brick wall, 1.6 meters high, painted in red, a symbol of diezundie wei. The wall is red rafters and green tiles, antique. The entire cemetery, about 210 meters north and south, something about 72 meters (42 meters wide before the width of 81 meters wide). The cemetery gate has two, the good things on both sides of Sendai division. From the east gate into the cemetery, could not walk a few steps, the left is a 24 metre high tower hangzhu, Taiwan erected a monument, a letter to "emperor of Sendai" four words, the Ming Dynasty Jiajing seven years after July, inscribed as "the Qi book pool". This station was founded according to the first year (110 BC). "Historical records? Fengshan book" records, the emperor Liu Che "North patrol north, ten soldiers also, offering Huang Di Zhong mountain bridge." "Yellow footprints" stone is the southwest side of a temple from the Han Dynasty "yellow stone footprints". It was unearthed in Guo Jia Wa Cun, Huangling folk legends as "the Yellow Emperor Huang Cheng Xun Palace", in 1965 moved to the Xuanyuan temple hospital. The whole stone is about a square metre. Bluestone surface, engraved with the Yellow Emperor footprints, a pair of long 0.62 meters, about 2 cm deep. There is a coin or coins to Huang Di footprints of the customs, to test how lucky? "To the best of luck for the footprints of the big toe, so the most favorable auspices."

the tomb of Huangdi



  Hukou Falls of Yellow River
The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall is inlaid in the nine of the Yellow River on a bright pearl, is the most distinctive large waterfall wonders, ranked the second largest waterfall. In 1988, it was listed as a national natural scenic spot. In 1991, it was named as one of the "forty best tourist resorts in China" by the State Tourism administration. The river flows through here, with its great power, and into the valley, into the deep groove, suddenly boomed, mist off, full of power and grandeur, showing shaking heaven and earth, "the Yellow River comes from the sky, grand spirit pour into the sea no longer return". Hukou Waterfall presents "underwater smoke" and "neon water", "clear sky rain", "dry day Lei Ming", "Shan Haili fly" and other strange visions. During the Anti Japanese War, the revolutionary poet musician Xi Xinghai, but at the end of the light, is inspired by the magnificent scene in the Yellow River, encouraging the people to fight the compose "the Yellow River". In September 1987, the the Yellow River team drifting expedition member Wang Laian ride by 40 car tires wrapped around a sealed cabin, along the falls, opened a prelude in Hukou sports human exploration, known as the "the Yellow River first drift". Later, Tianjin warrior Zhang Zhiqiang jumped the suspension bridge at the the Yellow River bridge, calling it "China's first jump"". In August 1996, Henan Feng Jiu Shan Hukou go across the wire, a walk on the high cable the longest Guinness world record, known as "the first Chinese go". June 1, 1997 to welcome the return of Hongkong, the first Asian air Blackie Ko drove over the hukou, the highest in the world the biggest span for speed world record, known as "the world's first flying", the title of PICC Property Insurance Co. Ltd. the huge advertising was listed in the Guinness world record, but also created a new world. In June 20, 1999, Shanxi Jixian young farmers Zhu Zhaohui riding a motorcycle across the hukou, and hit a miracle. To create these miracles, and Hukou Waterfall's stunning verve complement each other, so that the visibility suddenly famous scene and celebrity rise, attracting domestic and foreign experts, scholars and tourists to sightseeing and study more and more. And clay sculpture also has its characteristics.



  Yanan revolutionary site
Yanan, Yanan Province, the site of the revolution in Shaanxi. From 1937 to 1947, Yanan has been the seat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the capital of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region. It is the guiding center and the rear area of the Chinese revolution. It is a sacred place for the revolution. Yanan revolutionary sites including Lantau Peak central site, Yangjialing site of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Zaoyuan site, wangjiaping CPC Central Military Commission, the Eight Route Army headquarters site, the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region government site etc.. For the national key cultural relics protection units. Lantau Peak revolutionary site in the north gate of Yanan, Phoenix foothills. In January 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party was moved to Zhidan by security guards. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has held the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau, the National Congress and enlarged the sixth Plenary Session of the 6th CPC Central Committee. The Phoenix foothills are the former residence of Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong met with Dr. Bethune here. Here is the general staff of the former residence of Zhu De, Liu Baicheng's former residence, etc.. In November 1938, Japanese planes bombed the city of Yanan, the CPC Central Committee to the yangjialing.


   Luochuan Conference
In August 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of great significance, and adopted the famous ten program of "resisting Japan and saving the nation"". Now here are the conference room, comrade Mao Zedong's office and Zhang Wentian, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other leaders of the house, built in Luochuan meeting Memorial museum. The venue for the two hole brick, sitting south to the north. The cave for meeting Mao Zedong's office and bedroom, on the west side of the cave to the meeting room, furnished with 5 table, 5 long benches, 7 small square stool. In July 7, 1937, Japanese imperialism created the Lugou Bridge incident, and then the war of resistance against Japan broke out. After many negotiations, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party formed a national united front against japan. August 22, 1937 to 25, the CPC Central Committee in the village of Luochuan County Feng held an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau, discuss the relationship between the Anti Japanese war strategy and the Communist Party, attended the meeting with Mao Zedong, Zhang Wentian, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Bo Gu, Peng Dehuai, He Long, Liu Baicheng, Nie Rongzhen, Xu Xiangqian and other 23 people. The meeting adopted the Central Committee's decision on the current situation and the tasks of the party and the ten major programs for resisting Japan and saving the nation. After the Luochuan conference, the executive chairman Mao Zedong ordered the adaptation work, and traveled to the Yellow River to the North China Anti Japanese front line. The Luochuan conference was an important meeting in the history of the Chinese Communist Party, and since then, Yanan has become the guiding center for the eight years of resistance to war among the Chinese people and the army and the people.



  Luochuan Folk Museum
Simple folk custom in Northern Shaanxi is the most attractive place for travelers, in addition to street experience, go to a museum will make you fruitful. The Luochuan Folk Museum is a very unique museum. Located in the Luochuan County of Northern Shaanxi Province, it is a courtyard style building restored in accordance with the style of Qing Dynasty folk house. From afar, you can see a string of five eye-catching red lanterns hanging on the side of the road, respectively, said "Folk Museum" five words. The sculpture on the outside wall of the museum is very beautiful, and people are looking forward to the exhibition inside. In the courtyard, there are usually cave dwellings in Northern Shaanxi, as well as the tile roofed houses in the rural areas. Several exhibition hall first implements display, then a shadow, can touch yourself even manipulate the puppet in the customs hall; you can see the Luochuan drum style; living hall cave people big Kang, worship the ancestors of the ancestral temple, the wedding held a perfect conjugal bliss, birthday birthday hall has Shaanxi. Style thick. There is a great longevity longevity ", is used to extend the county seal cover one hundred composition, meaning very auspicious. Paper cutting, cloth art and clay sculpture also have their own characteristics.



  Xiang si chuan tourist resort
Xiang si chuan forest leisure tourism scenic area is located in the high-speed car Temple Sichuan exit, belonging to the planning Huangling - Luochuan -- one of the Hukou scenic tourism circle. Here is rich in forest resources, water quality is thorough Ganlie, Waterscape, landscape, hunting, skiing, the best place for vacation. It is also the ideal place for tourists, restaurants, shopping and leisure entertainment. Acacia Sichuan forest area total area of about 400 square kilometers, of which about 600 thousand acres of natural forest, the forest coverage rate of 76.4%, which belongs to the second Yanan County Forest Farm, known as "a lung Shaanxi and Northern Shaanxi natural oxygen bar". The forest stand is rich, mainly focusing on natural forest, tree species are pine, poplar and oak: 2000 kinds, which are state protection of two species of Pinus bungeana, original forest; forest habitat of wild sheep, wild boar, pheasant, hare, and precious leopard, spotted deer and other wild animal. There are eight sister Yang anti gold historical monuments and legends.